5 Things I’ve Learned from Easter

Easter, beyond its sweet treats and colorful decor, holds profound lessons at the core of the Christian faith. As we celebrate this joyous occasion, let's reflect on five valuable insights that Easter offers us:

  1. Preparation Precedes Action: Just as Jesus spent time preparing before fulfilling His purpose, we may find ourselves in seasons of preparation before embracing our own calling. Trust in the process of readiness, knowing it's essential for stepping into God's plan for our lives.

  2. Inclusion Knows No Status: Jesus welcomed everyone into His circle, regardless of social standing. We, too, can find acceptance and belonging with Jesus, transcending worldly accolades and distinctions.

  3. Women Hold Significance: Women played vital roles in Jesus' ministry, emphasizing their ongoing significance. Recognize the worth and power of women in the eyes of Jesus, acknowledging their essential contributions.

  4. Embrace Your Unique Purpose: Your purpose may not conform to societal norms, and that's perfectly acceptable. Embrace the truth that your calling is uniquely crafted by a loving Creator who intimately knows you.

  5. Love Embraces Imperfection: Jesus' boundless love embraces us in our messiness and imperfection. His grace covers our flaws, reminding us of our deep worth and inherent value despite our shortcomings.

As we indulge in Easter festivities, let's also take time to internalize these profound lessons, allowing them to guide us on our journey of faith and self-discovery. Happy Easter!


1 year of entrepreneurship - what I learned and how I applied it.


Women in Business: Let’s Meet Abigail.