DEBORAH: Courage Under Fire

This one hits very close to home. Years ago, at a dinner party, I had a conversation with a female pastor who is considered controversial by many. After we spoke for a while, she asked if I knew I was a prophetess. Instead of feeling flattered, I felt nervous and anxious inside.

Growing up Southern Baptist, I knew a woman's place in the Church was very clear. It didn't really bother me because I was a businesswoman who led daily outside of this institution. I thought, "It doesn't matter to me that women aren't viewed as leaders in the Church because I already lead outside of it. If not inside these walls, then who cares?"

However, I hadn't considered the implications for my sisters who felt called to leadership within the Church. It wasn't until a church I attended ordained a woman and was then asked to leave their Baptist association that I understood the true depth of this issue.

I don't claim to fully understand what God has to say about women leading in spiritual settings, as there are many things I won't know this side of Heaven. But Deborah's story shines a light on this topic for us. Judges 5:2 describes how good it is when leaders lead and when the people willingly offer themselves to serve.

The story of Deborah stands out as a powerful testament to leadership, wisdom, and faith. Deborah, a prophetess and judge in Israel, exemplifies remarkable leadership attributes that are both timeless and inspiring. Her story, found in Judges 4 and 5, provides profound insights into what it means to lead with courage, wisdom, and unwavering faith in God.

A Leader Called by God

Deborah's leadership journey begins with a divine calling. In a period where Israel was under the oppressive rule of King Jabin of Canaan, Deborah emerged as a judge, a role that involved both judicial responsibilities and leadership over the people of Israel. Judges 4:4 introduces her as "Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading Israel at that time." Her position as a prophetess underscores her deep spiritual connection and her role as a mouthpiece of God's will.

Wisdom and Discernment

One of Deborah's most striking attributes is her wisdom. The Israelites came to her for judgment, seeking her counsel and guidance. She sat under the Palm of Deborah, where she resolved disputes and offered insights. This setting indicates her accessibility and the trust the people placed in her judgment. Deborah's wisdom was not only a product of her intellect but also of her spiritual discernment. Her decisions were grounded in a deep understanding of God’s laws and principles, making her guidance both just and righteous.

Courage and Initiative

Deborah’s leadership was marked by exceptional courage. When God commanded her to deliver Israel from the oppression of King Jabin, she did not hesitate. She summoned Barak, a military commander, and conveyed God’s directive to mobilize troops against Sisera, Jabin’s army commander. Judges 4:6 records her bold command to Barak: “The Lord, the God of Israel, commands you: ‘Go, take with you ten thousand men of Naphtali and Zebulun and lead them up to Mount Tabor.’”

Barak's response, however, revealed a hesitancy that Deborah did not share. He insisted that he would only go if Deborah accompanied him. Her willingness to go with Barak not only bolstered his confidence but also demonstrated her readiness to lead from the frontlines. Her courage was not confined to words; it was evident in her actions.

Inspiring Leadership

Deborah's leadership extended beyond strategic and military guidance; she was a source of inspiration and motivation. Her presence on the battlefield and her prophetic assurance of victory energized the troops. Judges 4:14 recounts her rallying cry: “Go! This is the day the Lord has given Sisera into your hands. Has not the Lord gone ahead of you?” Deborah’s ability to inspire and mobilize people was a testament to her charismatic and faith-filled leadership.

Faith and Dependence on God

Above all, Deborah’s leadership was characterized by an unwavering faith in God. Her confidence was not in human strength or strategy but in the divine power and promises of God. This faith was contagious, instilling a similar trust in those she led. Deborah's song in Judges 5, a poetic recount of the victory, reflects her deep gratitude and recognition of God’s hand in their success. She begins with praise, acknowledging God’s intervention: “When the princes in Israel take the lead, when the people willingly offer themselves—praise the Lord!” (Judges 5:2).

Legacy of Peace and Prosperity

Deborah’s leadership brought about 40 years of peace and prosperity for Israel. Her tenure as a judge and leader is a profound example of how godly leadership can transform a nation. She demonstrated that true leadership is not about personal power or prestige but about serving others, upholding justice, and faithfully following God's direction.

Lessons for Modern Leaders

Deborah’s story offers valuable lessons for modern leaders across all spheres of life. Her wisdom teaches us the importance of making decisions based on principles and divine guidance. Her courage inspires us to step forward in faith, even in the face of daunting challenges. Her ability to inspire underscores the impact of leading by example. Most importantly, her unwavering faith reminds us that true success comes from reliance on a higher power.

In conclusion, Deborah stands as a shining example of what it means to be a leader called by God. Her life and leadership continue to inspire and challenge us to lead with wisdom, courage, and faith. As we navigate our own leadership journeys, may we draw strength and inspiration from Deborah’s exemplary character and unwavering dedication to God’s calling.




Traveling is good for the soul.