Embracing Change: Top 5 Transformative Actions and Purchases of 2023

This year has been a monumental journey of transformation, filled with both effortless shifts and emotionally challenging pivots. From simplifying daily routines to embracing moderation and puppy love, here's a reflection on the top 5 actions and purchases that have served as the 'easy' button in 2023.

  1. Simplifying with Laser Hair Removal:

Tired of the constant hassle of shaving, razors, and razor bumps, I decided to simplify my life by opting for laser hair removal (LHR). Bid farewell to the never-ending battle with body hair and welcomed the freedom to wear whatever I pleased without the burden of constant grooming. Discover the med spa experience that made this transformation possible.

2. Slowing Down with Homemade Food:

In a world filled with processed foods and complicated ingredients, I chose to slow down and find joy in simplicity. Learning to make items from scratch that I once considered daunting has been a game-changer. Explore a sourdough starter recipe that has not only nourished my family but also brought a sense of fulfillment and connection to our meals.

3. Moderation Over "Nos":

Putting an end to years of disordered eating, I embraced moderation over restrictive 'nos.' By allowing myself to enjoy small bites of anything and everything, I discovered a newfound appreciation for food. Join me in savoring the flavors and breaking free from the chains of obsession.

4.Puppy Love with Magnum:

Saying goodbye to a beloved 12-year-old lab, Rigby, was undoubtedly heartbreaking. However, the arrival of little Magnum brought a fresh wave of love into our lives. Learn more about our journey with Magnum and how his presence has filled our hearts.

5.Less is More: The Reverse Purchase:

Recognizing the need for a simpler lifestyle, I embarked on a mission to declutter. From over 200 pairs of shoes to a more manageable 73, I've sold, donated, and recycled thousands of dollars' worth of possessions. Join me in appreciating the beauty of less.

As we approach the end of 2023 and eagerly welcome 2024, let's do so with intentionality. Whether you're a resolution enthusiast or not, may the lessons learned from these transformative actions inspire you to embrace positive change. Sending love from Northeast, MO.

Much love,


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