Essential Life Lessons for Women from a Heroine

When I'm asking about my top female role model, I hate to admit it, but professionally, I struggle to answer. Of course, there's Sara Blakely and other founders who inspire me, but when it comes to someone I know, I've never really had a female mentor that has impacted me in business for the better. Sadly, there's a lot of hurt in my professional past with women. I started my own business to hopefully be one small drop in an ocean that makes a positive difference in this way.


That's one of the reasons why I loved Through His Eyes by Jerram Barrs. It is a book FULL of stories of inspiring women, who also share my faith in Jesus. I don't really need much more than that.


Today, I'm sharing my top 7 points of inspiration from the story of Abigail

[Found in 1 Samuel 25]

1. Wisdom and Diplomacy:

  • Abigail's Approach: Abigail demonstrates exceptional wisdom and diplomacy in her interactions with David. When she learns that her husband, Nabal, has insulted David, Abigail takes quick and thoughtful action to mitigate the situation.

  • Takeaway: Women can learn the importance of using wisdom and tact in handling conflicts and making decisions. Abigail's ability to assess the situation and act diplomatically helps her avert a potential crisis and gain respect.

2. Courage and Initiative:

  • Abigail's Actions: Despite the potential risks, Abigail takes the initiative to address the problem directly. She approaches David with a generous gift and a respectful plea, showing courage in standing up for what is right.

  • Takeaway: Embracing courage and taking proactive steps can lead to positive outcomes, even in challenging circumstances. Abigail's willingness to act demonstrates the power of initiative and bravery.

3. Moral Integrity:

  • Abigail's Character: Abigail is portrayed as a woman of high moral character. She seeks to prevent harm and acts with integrity, aligning her actions with her values and principles.

  • Takeaway: Maintaining personal integrity and ethical standards is essential in all situations. Abigail's example teaches that acting with moral clarity and honesty can guide decisions and interactions.

4. Leadership and Influence:

  • Abigail's Impact: Abigail's actions have a significant influence on David, who is initially enraged but ultimately respects and praises her for her wise and conciliatory approach. Her leadership in this critical moment helps change the course of events.

  • Takeaway: Leadership is not solely about formal authority but also about influencing others through wisdom, respect, and thoughtful action. Abigail's ability to lead by example underscores the importance of effective leadership in making a difference.

5. The Power of Communication:

  • Abigail's Negotiation: Abigail communicates effectively with David, using respectful language and logical reasoning to persuade him to reconsider his plan. Her communication skills are pivotal in achieving a favorable resolution.

  • Takeaway: Effective communication is a powerful tool in resolving conflicts and achieving goals. Abigail's success highlights the value of clear, respectful, and persuasive communication.

6. Humility and Respect:

  • Abigail's Humility: Abigail approaches David with humility and respect, acknowledging her husband's shortcomings while also appealing to David's better nature.

  • Takeaway: Maintaining humility and showing respect, even in difficult situations, can facilitate constructive interactions and foster positive relationships.

7. Strategic Thinking:

  • Abigail's Strategy: Abigail acts strategically by addressing the immediate issue and preparing a generous gift to gain David's favor. Her planning and foresight help her navigate the situation effectively.

  • Takeaway: Strategic thinking and planning can help address complex problems and achieve desired outcomes. Abigail’s approach demonstrates the value of being thoughtful and deliberate in problem-solving.

Abigail’s story offers rich lessons on wisdom, courage, integrity, leadership, communication, humility, and strategic thinking. For women, her example serves as a powerful model of how to handle challenges with grace and effectiveness while staying true to one's values.

May it be so with us, friends.


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