Learning from Esther 🌟

The Book of Esther offers timeless lessons for women in leadership, encouraging us to lead with courage, strategy, diplomacy, and a deep sense of purpose. Here’s what we, as female leaders, can take from Esther’s remarkable story:

1. Courage in Adversity

Esther shows incredible bravery when she risks her life by approaching King Xerxes without being summoned—an act that could have cost her everything. Yet, she steps forward to save her people, showing us that great leadership often requires boldness in the face of fear and uncertainty. Female leaders can learn that sometimes stepping up, even when the risks are high, is necessary to drive meaningful change.

2. Strategic Wisdom

Esther doesn’t act impulsively. She takes time to seek counsel, fast, and pray before making her move. Her careful planning underscores the importance of strategic decision-making and the power of patience. Female leaders can apply this by being intentional and calculated, knowing that wise, thoughtful preparation often leads to better outcomes.

3. Influence Through Diplomacy

Rather than issuing demands, Esther uses tact and diplomacy to influence King Xerxes. She invites him and Haman to a series of banquets, skillfully creating the right moment to make her request. This teaches us the importance of leveraging influence with grace, building relationships, and understanding that diplomacy is often more effective than force.

4. Using Position for the Greater Good

Though Esther enjoys the privileges of being queen, she doesn’t use her position for personal gain. Instead, she advocates for her people and works to protect them. Female leaders can learn from this example by recognizing that leadership is not just about power but using one’s position to uplift others, promote justice, and create positive impact beyond individual success.

5. The Power of Faith and Purpose

Esther’s actions are guided by her faith and her belief that she was placed in her position “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14). Female leaders can draw inspiration from her story, seeing their roles as part of a bigger purpose. When we trust in our abilities and the timing of our opportunities, we realize we have the power to influence outcomes not just for ourselves, but for our communities and organizations.

Esther’s story reminds us that leadership, especially for women, requires more than just skill—it demands courage, wisdom, diplomacy, and a heart for serving others. When we embrace these traits, we can lead with strength and purpose, making a lasting impact in the world around us.


A Year of Reflection: Milestones, Health, Friendships, and Experiences