Side Hustles

If you haven't looked at your budget recently, I know you probably will soon with the holiday spend on its way to a pocketbook very near you. 

Find yourself trying to make some money on the side? I've got a few ways I've done this and can't wait to share.

Whether you're trying to figure out how to quit your day job or how to find some extra spending money, here are ten ideas I want to run by you.

  1. One-on-One Coaching - This is when you work directly with one other person to teach them specific knowledge or skills that you have.

  2. Group Coaching - This is when you teach multiple people at once a specific skill or knowledge that you have.

  3. Consulting - This is when you use your knowledge to guide a client in your area of expertise.

  4. Printify/Etsy Store - This is when you create a design, load it onto a store, and then link that store with Etsy to drop ship products with a profit margin.

  5. Affiliate Marketing - Partner with Amazon, Hello Fresh, or other brands to either get paid or to get your groceries or other items for free!

  6. Digital Products - This is when you create downloadable tools and resources based on your knowledge and sell them online.

  7. Monthly Subscription or Membership Content - use platforms like Insta, Patreon, or Substack to monetize your content, such as podcasts, blogs, or videos.

  8. Paid Challenge - through an online community, set up a challenge that teaches your audience something you specialize in.

  9. Workshops - create a one-hour online training that gives your audience a quick win and addresses an immediate need or challenge they are facing.

  10. Service Based Work - depending on your skills our education, this could be a personal shopper, graphic designer, tax accountant or other services where you charge by the offer, offer a flat fee, or package pricing.

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