Reflections on Work, Family, and Gender Dynamics

As I reflect on pivotal moments in my career and personal life, I can't help but acknowledge the role of advocacy—both for myself and for others. From navigating the complexities of work-family balance to challenging gender norms in the workplace, the journey has been one of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment.

Several years ago, as my son approached kindergarten, I found myself grappling with the prospect of balancing motherhood with a demanding career. The decision to return to work after his birth was met with mixed emotions, but it was ultimately my husband's unwavering support that helped me navigate this transition. His perspective—that men rarely consider working for free—highlighted the societal expectations placed on women to prioritize caregiving over career advancement.

Fast forward to the present, and I find myself once again at a crossroads, contemplating the possibility of starting my own business and redefining my professional path. In these moments of uncertainty, I'm reminded of the importance of advocating for oneself and challenging ingrained gender stereotypes.

As International Women's Day approaches, I reflect on the words of Adam Grant and the need for both personal and collective advocacy. It's not enough to passively accept the status quo; we must actively push for change and inclusivity in all aspects of life.

In the workplace, this means challenging traditional gender roles and ensuring that men are equally represented in initiatives related to culture, events, and decision-making. It means speaking up when we see gender bias or inequality and advocating for policies that support work-life balance and equal opportunities for all.

Yes, advocating for oneself can be uncomfortable, but it's a necessary step towards personal and professional fulfillment. By staying true to our values and convictions, we not only empower ourselves but also inspire others to do the same.

As we navigate the complexities of work, family, and gender dynamics, let us remember that change begins with us. Let us continue to push boundaries, challenge norms, and advocate for a more inclusive and equitable future—for ourselves and for generations to come.


In an instant—everything changed.


Would you be considered a radical?