Would you be considered a radical?

Recently, a dear friend gifted me the book "Rediscover Jesus" as a Lenten present. While my friend and I aren't necessarily removing anything from our lives for Lent, we've decided to add a daily devotional to our routine during this season. Little did I know that this simple act would lead to a profound revelation about the radical nature of truth and authenticity in our lives.

In one of the daily readings titled "Jesus was a radical," author Matthew Kelly challenged my perception of Jesus in a way I had never considered before. Despite a lifetime of reading the Bible, I had never heard Jesus described as a radical. However, as I delved into the excerpt from the book, I began to understand the profound depth of this statement.

Jesus, as portrayed in the reading, wasn't confined by the pressures of political correctness or the desire for approval. He lived authentically, allowing truth to reign supreme in every aspect of his life. This unwavering commitment to truthfulness, even in the face of opposition or discomfort, made Jesus truly radical.

The excerpt from "Rediscover Jesus" struck a chord within me, prompting a moment of self-reflection and conviction. I realized that, like many others, I have often hesitated to speak or act in alignment with truth for fear of offending others or seeking approval. However, as the reading pointed out, truth is inherently radical, and embracing it requires courage and conviction.

I was reminded of a recent situation where I found myself holding back from speaking my truth out of fear of backlash or rejection. Yet, as I contemplated the message of the reading, I recognized the importance of authenticity and honesty, even when it's uncomfortable or challenging. It's through these moments of radical truthfulness that we can truly be ourselves and make a positive impact on others.

As I navigate the waters of truthfulness in my own life, I am reminded that I am not alone in this journey. Jesus himself walked this path before us, setting an example of radical authenticity and unwavering truthfulness. By following his example and embracing truth in all aspects of our lives, we can experience a newfound sense of freedom and purpose.


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