Always Take Time to Make Space for Reflection
As we take time away from our desks to remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice, I'm taking a moment to reflect on the first few months of the year.
Milestone Achievements
This week, I'll hit my 20th episode on the podcast. Staying consistent with recording episodes for 20 weeks straight has been a journey of dedication and growth. Want to know how to grow in confidence? Honor the commitments you make to yourself. It feels incredibly rewarding.
Here's my episode from last week, and I've got a solo episode coming out tomorrow morning. I'd love it if you'd give it a watch or a listen.
Published Works
In the past two months, I've been published in five articles. I decided to focus not only on my own content creation in Q2 but also on contributing to the content of others. It's been thrilling to see my insights included in published articles. The world needs what we all have to share.
Looking Ahead
What will Q2 hold for you? If you're looking to make impactful changes and need some guidance, consider 1:1 coaching. Contact us today to get started on your journey of growth and achievement.