Through His Eyes: A New Series

If you've read my professional story, you know I was profoundly influenced by the book Through His Eyes by Jerram Barrs. It not only ignited my journey into entrepreneurship but also significantly boosted my self-confidence and security. This book helped me embrace the idea that God creates us as females AND powerhouse bosses, and He doesn’t make mistakes.

I'm excited to kick off a new series focusing on women in the Bible who have impacted me emotionally and mentally. And no, it won't be boring. While I won’t be doing this every week, you can expect to see it sprinkled throughout my weekly messages. I believe this series will inspire and uplift you, just as it has done for me.


Many of us are familiar with Sarah. She married her half-brother Abraham and endured years of barrenness. At one point, her husband passed her off as his sister so that kings would treat him with favor. In her desperation, she suggested that Abraham sleep with her servant to have a child. After her servant gave birth to Ishmael, Sarah banished her due to disrespect.

When Sarah laughed at the prophecy that she would become pregnant, it seemed inconceivable at her age. But then it happened. She became pregnant and bore a son, Isaac.

From there, most of us (including myself) often shift our focus to Abraham’s bravery and obedience—particularly his willingness to sacrifice Isaac on the altar at God's request (spoiler alert: Isaac was spared). As mothers, can you imagine the anguish Sarah felt, watching her husband take their long-awaited son toward an altar, believing he would end his life?

Through this series, we'll explore these stories and the profound lessons they offer. We'll look at how these women navigated their challenges with faith and strength, and what we can learn from their experiences.


A Righteous Woman: Lessons from Tamar


Always Take Time to Make Space for Reflection