Wrestling with Spiritual Realities

In the quiet moments of the morning, as I delve into Jackie Hill Perry's devotional "Upon Waking," I find myself confronted with truths that demand my attention. Her words, infused with biblical wisdom and personal introspection, cut through the noise of daily life, urging me to grapple with the unseen forces that shape my world.

Jackie's unflinching honesty is a hallmark of her writing, and nowhere is this more evident than in her discussion of the devil and demons. Like Jackie, I've often wrestled with the discomfort of acknowledging their existence in our modern, rational world. Yet, her words resonate with a raw authenticity that cannot be ignored.

She reminds us that the devil is not some abstract concept confined to the pages of scripture but a real and present danger, lurking in the shadows of our lives. It's a sobering thought, one that challenges our complacency and calls us to action.

But it's not just the grandiose manifestations of evil that Jackie calls attention to—it's the everyday struggles that threaten to ensnare us. Selfishness, isolation, judgment—these are the insidious weapons of our unseen adversary, subtly shaping our thoughts and actions.

Reading Jackie's devotional, I was struck by her emphasis on forgiveness as a weapon against the enemy's schemes. In Paul's letter to the Corinthians, he admonishes them to forgive, lest they be outwitted by Satan himself. It's a powerful reminder that harboring bitterness and resentment only serves to strengthen the enemy's grip on our hearts.

As I reflect on Jackie's insights, I can't help but think of the times when I've allowed unforgiveness to take root in my own life. The weight of resentment, the burden of anger—these are the footholds that the devil exploits, worming his way into the deepest recesses of our hearts.

But Jackie's words are not just a condemnation of our failings—they're a call to action. She challenges us to actively resist the devil's influence, to guard our hearts against his insidious attacks. It's a daunting task, to be sure, but one that is essential for maintaining our spiritual integrity.

So, as I close the pages of "Upon Waking" and step into the day ahead, I carry with me Jackie's words as a guiding light in the darkness. I am reminded that the battle we fight is not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. And armed with the wisdom and grace that Jackie imparts, I am ready to face whatever challenges may come my way.

In conclusion, "Upon Waking" by Jackie Hill Perry is more than just a devotional—it's a rallying cry in the ongoing struggle against spiritual darkness. Through her fearless exploration of biblical truths and personal reflections, Jackie inspires us to confront the unseen enemy and stand firm in the face of adversity. It's a message that resonates deeply with me, and one that I will carry with me as I navigate the complexities of life in this fallen world.


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